The Original Saison 2 Episode 20

The Original Saison 2 Episode 20 Rating: 9,1/10 1230reviews

Season 6 Episode 22: Directed by: Greg Yaitanes: Written by. Cet article présente les vingt-trois épisodes de la deuxième saison de la série télévisée américaine Mentalist (The Mentalist.

Help Me (House) - Wikipedia. It first aired on May 1.

The Original Saison 2 Episode 20

The episode covers a crane collapse in which House tries to save one of the victims, Hanna, who is trapped in rubble. He then arrives at a downtown building, where a crane collapsed and caused an accident that injured numerous people.

MasterChef (U.S.

Chronologie Saison 1 de H2O Saison 3 de H2O modifier Cet article présente le guide de la deuxième saison de la série télévisée australienne H2O. Sommaire 1.

House, Cuddy, and House's team roam the area diagnosing and treating victims, until they come across the crane operator, who ostensibly fell asleep despite being overloaded with caffeine. House deduces the operator must have passed out and sends him to Princeton- Plainsboro to be diagnosed. He attempts to go with him, but is held back by Cuddy. While taking a break, House hears a sound similar to that of a person banging on a steel pipe. He informs the emergency officials, who attempt to communicate with anyone possibly trapped beneath the rubble, but they give up after receiving no response. House decides to go looking himself, and crawls under the mountain of rubble until he reaches a deep cavity and finds a trapped woman named Hanna. As House treats Hanna while waiting for reinforcements, he also begins the differential on the crane operator through the phone and speaks with Cuddy, who reveals that she has gotten engaged to Lucas.

House suggests that the crane operator has a brain lesion and orders an MRI. The situation is exacerbated when the emergency official realizes the support beam pinning Hanna (China Shavers), the trapped woman, is also under a mountain of rubble that could collapse.

The equipment that can free her is hours away from arriving, so the official suggests amputation. Both Hanna and House refuse.

The crane operator begins bleeding from the eyes during the MRI and House attempts to return to Princeton- Plainsboro to diagnose him, but without his presence Hanna suffers a panic attack. Too much time has now passed and Hanna is at severe risk for crush syndrome. House then gets into an argument with Cuddy. Cuddy claims House is only refusing amputation to oppose her, bitter over her engagement with Lucas, at which point House calls her a pathetic narcissist. Cuddy then tells House to move on with his life, and House insults her.

She then tells him that she and Wilson are moving on with their own lives and the only one left behind is House, who has nothing. Hanna refuses the amputation, listening to House's earlier advice, but House soon arrives. To Cuddy's surprise, House tells Hanna she should amputate. He then answers her earlier question of what had happened to his own leg, by telling the story of his infarction and his own refusal of the suggested amputation. House brings the electric saw and a scalpel to the scene, and explains that he cannot give her anesthesia, since it is too risky, forcing him to amputate the leg with her awake, followed by her screams. She is immediately taken to an ambulance, which then departs for Princeton- Plainsboro. On the ride back, House continues the differential on the crane operator through the phone and deduces that he has a spinal cyst.

Hanna suddenly has trouble breathing. House realizes she has a fat embolism, caused by the amputation. House arrives home. In pain from his leg, various wounds, Hanna's death and Cuddy's earlier comment, he rips his bathroom mirror out of the wall revealing a hidden cavity behind it, where he had a final stash of Vicodin. Watch Heist Online Hollywoodtake. Collapsing, he opens a bottle and takes out two pills, thinking that vicodin is his only way of feeling better. As he is getting ready to take them, Cuddy arrives. She reveals that she ended the relationship with Lucas, because she realized that she truly loves House.

Despite having a new fianc. House stands up and walks over to Cuddy and then they share in a tender kiss. House stops and asks if he is hallucinating this and she asks if he took the Vicodin. Realizing it was still in his hand, House drops the pills on the floor. They both smile at each other, sharing another kiss and joining hands.

Production. These allowed the production team to work in very tight spaces, using minimal lighting, while also offering a very shallow depth of field putting the backgrounds out of focus, and making the work very challenging for the focus pullers. Original plans only included some scenes to be shot digitally, but eventually the Canon 5. D cameras were used for the entire episode. After successfully using the cameras for scenes on the episode . The episode was filmed using a wide variety of lenses, on loan from Canon.

Motion stabilization rigs were also used to make the cameras more like motion picture cameras. In a way, this episode reminded me of one of my favorites from this season, . Like that episode, just when you thought House and his team were in the clear, there was another speed bump in the road.

For example, that amputation was as riveting and horrifying a scene as I can remember.. I think this is one of the few times another human being has seen House at his most vulnerable. He develops an attachment to Hannah, and I think a lot hinges on his ability to save her.

In a series where House has virtually phoned in his diagnoses, here he is with his sleeves rolled up amputating a woman's leg. And still he can't save her.

And Hugh Laurie had sheer desperation in his eyes throughout those scenes which actually connected with me as a viewer. Club gave the episode a B rating.

I cared about the Patient Of The Week for the first time in a very long while (I'm talking about Hanna, not the crane operator, who was only there to give Coke Zero something to do), and while it was easy to predict at the outset she wasn't going to make it, I was still upset when she died. Partly that's because, once she was rescued from under the building, I assumed she was going to be okay—it's an obvious fake out, but an effective one.

Plus, as familiar as so much of this was (how many medical dramas have had an episode with a patient trapped under rubble?), it was done well, and Hugh Laurie was so strong, that it really made Hanna's fate matter.? Really worked out well for you, didn't it? It included so many jaw- dropping, heart stopping moments that this episode could easily be considered one of the best episodes of House to date because it not only gave fans what they've always wanted (House and Cuddy – together), but it also provides an amazing platform to start off the seventh season. Retrieved 2. 01. 0- 0. Interview with Greg Yaitanes about Season Finale of House by Philip.

Bloom(m. 4a). Retrieved 2. Retrieved 2. 01. 0- 0.

TVbythenumbers. com. Archived from the original on May 2. Retrieved May 3. 0, 2. Archived from the original(PDF) on 2. Retrieved 2. 01. 0- 1. The season comes to a close, but not without a fight.

News Corporation. Retrieved 2. 01. 0- 0. September 2. 01. 0. Archived from the original on 2. May 2. 01. 0. Retrieved 2.

September 2. 01. 0. September 2. 01. 0.

Master. Chef (U. S. Anna and AJ are the first husband and wife pair to advance. Episode 3. Afterwards, the top 3.

After inspection, the contestants were divided into three groups of twelve. The first group was eliminated, the second, consisting of Becky, Felix, Frank, Helene, Josh, Michael, Mike, Ryan, Samantha, Scott, Stacey, and Tali, advanced automatically. The third group: Anna, AJ, Bubba, Christine, Courtney, Dave, David, Monti, Nandini, Rami, Sheri, and Tanya, had their dishes tasted. The first group to be tasted were Anna, AJ, Dave and Tanya. Dave, Tanya and Anna advanced. The second group consisted of Bubba, Christine, Monti and Nandini.

The judges advanced Monti and Christine. The last group consisted of Courtney, David, Rami and Sheri. After eliminating Courtney and Sheri, the judges gave David the last spot and eliminated Rami. Episode 4. Ryan, Samantha, and Scott were called forward for having the worst dishes, with the judges announcing that they had revised the rules and anyone could be eliminated at any time during the competition. Bottom three: Ryan Umane, Samantha De Silva and Scott Little.

Scott was the first to be sent to safety, leaving Ryan and Samantha facing elimination. Samantha was eliminated. Felix was then declared the winner of the challenge. Eliminated: Samantha De Silva. Challenger Winner/Immune: Felix Fang.

Elimination Test 1: Felix got to choose the subject for the first Elimination Test, the theme being the dishes that intimidate the judges the most. Felix chose the risotto.

Felix was also exempt from competing. David and Frank had the best two dishes, making them team captains for the first team challenge. Winners: David Martinez and Frank Mirando.

Bottom three: Dave Mack, Helene Leeds and Tali Clavijo. Helene had the best risotto of the bottom three. Dave was then eliminated. Eliminated: Dave Mack. Episode 5. David chose Becky, Josh, Mike, Helene, Ryan, Anna, and Monti for the Red Team, while Frank chose Felix, Scott, Stacey, Tali, Tanya and Michael, and was left with Christine for the Blue Team.

Each Marine would vote for the entr. The Red Team managed to win by sixteen votes. Team Challenge Winners/Immune: Anna Rossi, Becky Reams, David Martinez, Helene Leeds, Josh Marks, Mike Hill, Monti Carlo and Ryan Umane. Pressure Test 1: Frank was allowed to exempt one Blue Team member from competing in the Pressure Test. After Felix and Scott both declined, he saved Stacey.

The task was to bake an apple pie. Christine and Frank had the best pies.

Felix and Tali also advanced. Immune: Stacey Amagrande. Bottom three: Michael Chen, Scott Little and Tanya Noble. Tanya was deemed safe.

Michael was eliminated. Eliminated: Michael Chen. Episode 6. Becky, Ryan, and Christine were the top three. Ryan was the winner. Challenge Winner/Immune: Ryan Umane. Elimination Test 2: Immune from the test, Ryan chose every other chef to cook crab. He was then allowed to decide who would be cooking live crab and who would be using canned crab.

Ryan gave the live crab to Christine, David, Helene, Mike, Scott, Tali, and Tanya. Anna, Becky, Felix, Frank, Josh, Monti, and Stacey received the canned crab. The judges deemed Christine's and Josh's as the best two dishes, making the two team captains for the next Team Challenge. Winners: Christine H.

Helene was deemed to have the worst dish and she was eliminated. Eliminated: Helene Leeds. Episode 7. Christine chose Felix, Scott, Tanya, Mike, Stacey, and Ryan for the Red Team.

Josh chose Becky, Frank, Anna, Monti, David, and Tali for the Blue Team. The judges then told Christine that she could swap one member of her team for one from the Blue Team. Christine swapped Ryan in exchange for Becky. The teams had ninety minutes for prep and ninety minutes to serve. With 6. 0% of the guest preference vote, the Red Team won the challenge. Team Challenge Winners/Immune: Becky Reams, Christine H.

Anna, Josh, Ryan, and Tali had to bake a molten lava cake, only having four chances to get it right. Anna and Josh advanced into the next stage of the competition. Immune: David Martinez, Frank Mirando and Monti Carlo.

Bottom two: Ryan Umane and Tali Clavijo. Ryan conceded his elimination. Eliminated: Ryan Umane.

Episode 8. The best three dishes were Frank's, Tanya's, and Becky's. Tanya won. Challenge Winner/Immune: Tanya Noble.

Elimination Test 3: The theme was the judges' favorite desserts. Along with immunity, Tanya got to choose who made which dessert.

Tanya gave Gordon's English trifle to Becky, Josh, Monti, and Stacey; Graham's strawberry shortcake to Christine, Mike, Scott, and Tali; and Joe's tiramisu to Anna, David, Felix, and Frank. Stacey had the best dessert, making her a team captain for the next challenge. The bottom three were Felix, Scott, and Becky, who had the worst tiramisu, strawberry shortcake, and trifle, respectively. Winner: Stacey Amagrande.

Bottom three: Becky Reams, Felix Fang and Scott Little. After Becky was saved, Scott was eliminated.

Eliminated: Scott Little. Episode 9. Stacey was given the task of forming the teams. Stacey led the Red Team with Tali, Frank, and Becky. She then put Monti, David, Anna, and Tanya on the Yellow Team, leaving Christine, Felix, Josh, and Mike as the Blue Team by default. The Yellow Team elected Anna as their leader, and Josh volunteered to lead the Blue Team. The teams' task was to each operate a food truck at Venice Beach, with the Red Team selling Mexican cuisine, the Yellow Team selling American cuisine, and the Blue Team selling Indian cuisine.

All profits made would go to charity. The Red Team won the challenge with $7. Blue Team claimed second place with $7. Yellow Team to face the Pressure Test after earning only $6. Team Challenge Winners/Immune: Becky Reams, Frank Mirando, Stacey Amagrande and Tali Clavijo.

Immune: Christine H. David had the best tortellinis. Monti also advanced. Bottom two: Anna Rossi and Tanya Noble.

Anna was eliminated. Eliminated: Anna Rossi. Episode 1. 0. The best three dishes were Frank's, Mike's, and Becky's. Becky was the winner. Challenge Winner: Becky Reams. Elimination Test 4: Becky was able to choose which piece of equipment she would use to cook her dish and what her competitors would work with.

Becky chose the deep fryer for herself and the pizza stone for the rest of the contestants. Monti won the challenge. Winner: Monti Carlo. Bottom three: David Martinez, Mike Hill and Tanya Noble. Mike was eliminated.

The judges then announced that there would be a double elimination and eliminated Tanya. Eliminated: Mike Hill and Tanya Noble. Episode 1. 1. After a demonstration from Gordon, the contestants were given sixty minutes to prepare their dishes. The top were Felix, Josh, and Stacey. Felix won. Challenge Winner: Felix Fang. Elimination Test 5: Felix was presented with nine different types of fish and was able to decide who was to cook which fish.

Felix selected the halibut for herself, the rock fish for Becky, the salmon for Christine, the yellowtail for David, the catfish for Frank, the sardines for Josh, the John Dory for Monti, the striped bass for Stacey, and the Arctic char for Tali. Frank and Monti had the best two dishes and were selected as the team captains for the next Team Challenge. Winners: Frank Mirando and Monti Carlo. Bottom three: Christine H.

Tali was eliminated. Eliminated: Tali Clavijo. Episode 1. 2. Frank picked Becky, Josh, and Felix for the Red Team, while Monti picked Stacey, David, and was left with Christine on the Blue Team. Frank and Monti were then forced to switch. Each cowboy and cowgirl would vote for the dish that he or she preferred, and the first team to 5. The Blue Team was able to secure the win.

Team Challenge Winners/Immune: Christine H. The decision effectively fell to Monti and she selected Felix.

The other three had to cook eggs four different ways at once. Monti had the best eggs.

Immune: Felix Fang. Bottom two: Becky Reams and Josh Marks. Josh was eliminated.

Eliminated: Josh Marks. Episode 1. 3. The contestants worked with ingredients from southern cuisine.