Watch Lord Of The Dance: Dangerous Games Dailymotion

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The Enigmatic "Bhagwan," Osho Rajneesh© Copyright 2. In response to a flurry of some two dozen emails from a Rajneesh disciple, major additions pro and con were made to this webpage (mainly from Aug. Oct. 2. 5, 2. 01. Rajneesh and all the way down to the bibliographic resources section, about 7. It's clear that all selves are manifestations of just ONE REALITY, ONE SELF, ONE AWARENESS. Some of these selves or persons beautifully display a garden radiant with wholesome virtues..

While other selves, through some kind of Divine whimsy, display lovely flowers mixed in with lots of weeds! Yet everyone is, at heart, quite innocent, utterly Divine. What an amazing dream, this wild, wacky, woeful yet wonderful life... One Punch Man Episode 1 Kissanime.

To understand how the Church operates, you need to know its history. The following content in block quotation will give you a very short history of the Church. You have not yet voted on this site! If you have already visited the site, please help us classify the good from the bad by voting on this site. Ehh, I’m not so convinced. I would call them core games in the sense of gameplay. Coliseum and XD were nearly identical to the main series games, say for one small.

In the late 1. 98. India's so- called "Bhagwan" or "Blessed One" Rajneesh (née.

Rajneesh Mohan Chandra Jain, 1. Poona, India, tried to make himself and his religious movement more marketable to suit his longstanding global ambitions for this "first true religion," all other religious movements having been "false," "sick," "failures" in his view.

His attempts followed a few years of very negative publicity after a nightmarish time of crime and hardship in the USA (not a personal nightmare or hardship for Rajneesh, but certainly for many other persons, as we shall see). And so, concerned about his image in the eyes of his people and the general public, Rajneesh briefly preferred to call himself "Zorba the Budddha" and then in October 1. Zen- sounding name, "Osho.". The strategy has worked: today very few people who visit Osho centers, read or hear Osho's words, and practice his heavily cathartic meditation methods know much if anything about his problematic earlier life as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Indeed, it seems that a relatively small but growing number of people actually, seriously view Osho as "India's greatest spiritual master since the Buddha," as his organizers like to extol or hype him, which is quite a grandiose claim in the spiritual marketplace. Yet a number of us see Rajneesh/Osho quite differently.. Watch The Shrine Megavideo.

Kilauea; Mount Etna; Mount Yasur; Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira; Piton de la Fournaise; Erta Ale. Search or upload videos. Popular on YouTube: Music, Sports, Gaming, Movies, TV Shows, News, Spotlight. Browse Channels. 1 I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul. Les nouveautés coach sportif Sur cette page, vous retrouverez la liste des nouveautés apportées sur le site : nouveaux articles, modification de pages etc.

Frankly, while he was a very intriguing and in some ways quite helpful figure within the Divine dream, because of his very serious personal shortcomings and flawed way of teaching, I just don't think Osho warrants mention in the same breath as evidently far more authentic spiritual masters including Gautama the Buddha, Jesus, Antony of Egypt, Atisha, Kobo Daishi, Milarepa, Jnaneshvar, Rumi, Chinul, Dogen, Bankei, Hakuin, John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Moshe Cordovero, the Baal Shem Tov, Seraphim of Sarov (et al.), and widely visited and well documented figures of the modern era like Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, Ramakrishna, Narayana Guru, Hazrat Babajan, Shirdi Sai Baba, Meher Baba, Shaikh al- Alawi, Padre Pio, Swami Gnanananda, Bhagavan Nityananda, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Anandamayi Ma, Anasuya Devi, Hsu Yun, Hsuan Hua, Taungpulu Sayadaw, Ajahn Chah, Songchol Kun Sunim, Daehaeng Kun Sunim, Dhilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, and many other luminaries. A really thorough examination of all the crimes committed by a group of over 3. Rajneesh insiders, starting with his chief- of- staff Sheela whom he empowered to help run his religion from 1. Rajneesh movement from the 1. The Oregonian newspaper's voluminous 2. Les Zaitz et al., "For Love & Money," and their 7- part followup in Dec.

Watch Lord Of The Dance: Dangerous Games Dailymotion

On the Road Again," plus their updated 5- part series in April 2. Rajneeshees in Oregon—The Untold Story," all articles archived at www. About this man Rajneesh/Osho there was a lot of laughter, loquacity, occasional eloquence, some real insight, and an immensely potent and hypnotic energy. But sadly, there was also a lot of lunacy, immense dysfunction, and astonishing selfishness, pettiness, megalomania, callousness and corruption. He was/is remarkably interesting as a sensual ecstatic, intuitive mystic, unlicensed psychotherapist of en masse primal scream- cry- laugh "dynamic meditation" therapy, rebellious social- political- religious provocateur, successful self- promoter, cosmic joker, and relentless iconoclast who simultaneously lured his emotionally- dependent followers into making a big icon out of himself.

Though numerous Rajneeshees will claim, using vague or dubious criteria, that their guru was "fully enlightened" (Rajneesh certainly claimed this for himself) and that he enlightened them, too, with his counsels and his "special energy," the bulk evidence indicates that Rajneesh/Osho left a mixed or even tragic legacy. This legacy involved..

Rajneesh and his appointed leaders for deceitful spinning or rationalizing nearly every time they were confronted on anything of importance, - -heavy solicitations and numerous scams by his appointed leaders to fleece his followers and their families of as much of their money and possessions as possible (especially from 1. Oregon ranch in USA from 1. Poona, India and then one in Oregon often buzzing with ecstatic excitement and groovy sensuality but also debauched by wanton sex (and countless venereal diseases), - -a several- year period of violence at Poona and branch- communes worldwide (resulting in bruises, blood, even broken bones and rapes) until it was banned by the Rajneesh Foundation in 1. India and Oregon. The crimes, as recounted by former disciples, included drug running, swindling and prostitution by many ashramites to pay for their lengthy stays in India or funnel money to the commune; extensive immigration fraud and tax fraud conducted by Rajneesh and Foundation leaders in India and then the USA; currency and gold smuggling when they moved to the USA in 1. Oregon citizens from 1. USA; arson (one incident in India to defraud an insurance company, another arson attack in USA to destroy county records), racketeering, burglary, assault, conspiracy and illegal electronic surveillance (the largest such wiretapping- bugging operation ever uncovered); criminal bioterrorism sickenings of some 7.

Oregonians and attempted assassinations of select outsiders and insiders in 1. Rajneesh's top circle of people, led by his authorized lieutenant, Ma Sheela; and intermittent poisonings of scores if not hundreds of Rajneesh sannyasins from the late 1. Watch Noah Download. Sheela and her "Dr. Mengele" Ma Puja left in 1.

In all, just assessing the illegal activity in the USA from 1. India), 3. 2 Rajneeshees were charged with crimes in Oregon; 2. The Rajneesh legacy also includes..

Rajneesh of the spiritual welfare and bodily- emotional- financial welfare of tens of thousands of young adults and older disciples who had given to this mesmerizing little man so much of their lives—their souls, minds, energy, money and years of labor. The majority of these disciples never or only rarely complained, having been brainwashed to regard all the manipulation, neglect and/or abuse as a "test," a "game," a "big joke" by the Bhagwan and his elites. May his soul and all souls be in supreme peace and clarity in the One Divine Self! I heartfully apologize in advance to those faithful followers of Rajneesh/Osho for spending so much time at this webpage focusing on the dark "shadow" aspect of the clearly "two- faced" Rajneesh, largely leaving out my appreciation for his brighter, lighter side. My heavy leaning onto the critical side is to balance out the gushing praise of Osho to be found all over the Internet and on the covers for his books, videos and other merchandise prominently on display in countless venues worldwide. Most disciples of Osho Rajneesh who want to talk about both sides of the man find him a beautiful enigma, as well as a huge blessing in their life. I do not wish to discount or minimize that.

At the very least he got multitudes of people to vigorously breathe, move, dance, laugh, cry, sing, feel, drop inhibitions, carefully witness the bodymind, meditate, work hard and give great thanks to the Divine Existence!