Watch Orthodox Stance Online (2017)

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You win some, you lose some! KPFA Cancellation)Richard got a lovely piece of news this week: And then this came in (apparently you can critiicise religion all you want – except one religion!)Subject: Notification for Richard Dawkins: Science in the Soul: Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist Dear Richard Dawkins event ticket buyers,We regret to inform you that KPFA has canceled our event with Richard Dawkins. We had booked this event based entirely on his excellent new book on science, when we didn’t know he had offended and hurt – in his tweets and other comments on Islam, so many people. KPFA does not endorse hurtful speech. While KPFA emphatically supports serious free speech, we do not support abusive speech. We apologize for not having had broader knowledge of Dawkins views much earlier. We also apologize to all those inconvenienced by this cancellation.

Your ticket purchases will automatically be refunded by Brown Paper Tickets. Sincerely,KPFA Radio 9.

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FMThe Center for Inquiry was stunned and deeply dismayed by the cancellation of an event with Prof. Richard Dawkins by the radio station KPFA in Berkeley, California. The station alleged without evidence that the world renowned evolutionary biologist had engaged in “abusive speech,” against Islam, a justification that CFI considers absurd.

Prof. Dawkins is a renowned, responsible, and thoughtful critic of all religions, who KPFA had previously hosted in 2. Prof. Dawkins’ criticism of some of the tenets and ideas of Islam, Christianity, and other faiths.“Richard Dawkins is one of the greatest intellects of our time, with a wealth of wisdom and insight that he looked forward to sharing with his Berkeley audience,” said Robyn Blumner, President and CEO of the Center for Inquiry. For KPFA to suddenly break its commitment to Richard and the hundreds of people who were so looking forward to seeing and hearing him is unconscionable, and the baseless accusation that Richard has engaged in ‘abusive speech’ is a betrayal of the values KPFA has, until now, been known for.”Prof. Dawkins—whose landmark book The Selfish Gene was just voted the most influential science book of all time in a poll by the Royal Society—was scheduled to speak on August 9 about his newest book, Science in the Soul: Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist, which KPFA itself called “excellent.” In a message to ticket holders, KPFA claimed the event had been booked when “we didn’t know [Dawkins] had offended and hurt – in his tweets and other comments on Islam, so many people.” They added, “While KPFA emphatically supports serious free speech, we do not support abusive speech.”“The idea that I have engaged in abusive speech against Islam is preposterous, which even the most rudimentary fact- checking by KPFA would have made clear,” said Prof. Dawkins. “I have indeed strongly condemned the misogyny, homophobia, and violence of Islamism, of which Muslims — particularly Muslim women — are the prime victims. I make no apologies for denouncing those oppressive cruelties, and I will continue to do so.”Last year, the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science merged with the Center for Inquiry, and Prof. Dawkins joined the CFI board of directors.“In its forty- one- year history, the Center for Inquiry has fought proudly for human and civil rights, and Richard Dawkins is an invaluable ally for our cause.” said Blumner.

Watch Orthodox Stance Online (2017)

We (including Richard Dawkins himself) strongly opposed President Trump’s misguided and discriminatory Muslim ban. We have been at the forefront of the major civil justice causes of our time, and we have devoted ourselves to countering the outmoded, dogmatic prejudices and misinformation aimed at marginalized groups. It is one of the many reasons why we were proud to be the sole secularist organization invited to join the Know Your Neighbor interfaith coalition, launched in 2. White House.”“We understand the difference between a people and the beliefs they may hold,” said Blumner, “All of us must be free to debate and criticize Ideas, and harmful ideas must be exposed. It is incredibly disappointing that KPFA does not understand this.”Letter from Jerry Coyne.

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Palestinian terrorist from West Bank stabs Arab-Israeli in Petah Tikva >.

Dear KPFA,Your cancellation of Dawkins’s talk was unconscionable. His speech has not been abusive towards Islam, but has involved criticism of religious dogma–and of all faiths. That is free speech, not “abusive” speech. All meaningful speech hurts some people’s feelings, but in this case there was no “abuse.” Can you point to any? Your craven behavior towards this talk, and caving in to those who want to prevent others from hearing it, is unconscionable. How dare a radio station commit such a blatant violation of the First Amendment? Shame on you. Jerry Coyne.

You can read Jerry’s thoughts in full on his blog. Letter from Steven Pinker. Dear KPFA,As a longtime listener to KPFA, and a frequent guest on its programs, I was shocked to learn that your organization canceled a public event with Richard Dawkins because of alleged “abusive speech.” The decision is intolerant, ill- reasoned, and ignorant. Watch Honeymoon Dailymotion. Dawkins is one of the great thinkers of the 2.

He has criticized doctrines of Islam, together with doctrines of other religions, but criticism is not “abuse.” As the activist Sarah Haider has pointed out, “Religions are just ideas and don’t have rights.” To criticize tenets of Islam is no more abusive than to criticize tenets of neoliberalism or the Republican Party platform. People may get offended and hurt by honest criticism, but that cannot possibly be a justification for censoring the critic, or KPFA would be shut down because of all the people it has hurt and offended over the decades. In making this decision you have handed a precious gift to the political right, who can say that left- leaning media outlets enforce mindless conformity to narrow dogma, and are no longer capable of thinking through basic intellectual distinctions. I hope you will reconsider this decision and acknowledge the value of viewpoint diversity, free speech, and careful analysis of morally and politically fraught issues. Sincerely,Steven Pinker. Johnstone Family Professor.

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Dept. of Psychology. Harvard University. Prof. Ramachandran denounces the cancellation of KPFA event.“I strongly denounce the cancellation of this event. Dawkins is the most intellectually honest and courageous person i know. Whether or not you agree with all his views, you cannot question his integrity. He is, perhaps, the supreme rationalist of our age – reminds me of my boyhood heroes, Peter.

Medawar and Bertrand Russell .” –VS Ramachandran UCSDFriendly Atheist responds to KPFA: “The reasons are worse than you think”A few days ago, “progressive” radio station KPFA in Berkeley (California) canceled a previously scheduled event with Richard Dawkins because of his supposed “hurtful” and “abusive” speech toward Islam. Dawkins was going to talk about his new book called Science in the Soul, but once the radio station heard about his history, they pulled the plug on the reading. The station was vague at the time about what exactly they were referring to, but now we know which comments by Dawkins led them to cancel the event. According to the station’s own reporting of the controversy, which I can’t embed here, Dawkins (whom one critic says is an “Islamophobe”) once said on Twitter that “Islam is the greatest force for evil in the world today.”Read more. Watch Hidden Figures Online there.

Haredi Judaism (Hebrew: חֲרֵדִי ‎ Ḥaredi, IPA:; also spelled Charedi, plural Charedim) is a broad spectrum of groups within Orthodox Judaism, all.

Richard Dawkins’ Berkeley event cancelled for ‘Islamophobia’- BBCEvolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has denied Islamophobia after a US radio station cancelled his forthcoming speech. The best- selling author had been due to address an event hosted by KPFA Radio in Berkeley, California, in August. Destination: Mars Full Movie. Organisers accused him of “abusive speech against Islam” when scrapping his appearance, but he argues his criticism was not directed at Islam. He called on the station to review his past remarks and apologise. Continue Reading.

Richard Dawkins Event Canceled Over Past Comments About Islam- New York Times.

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