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How to Read a Bible Full of Promises. Audio Transcript. On occasional Fridays we talk with Don Carson about themes in biblical theology, essentially the major themes that we see develop throughout our Bibles. We covered the theme of covenants last time. In total there are about 2. Hypothermia Full Movie In English. Bible for us. And we have covered about half of them on the podcast. I call Dr. Carson as part of our relationship with our friends at The Gospel Coalition. BackgroundReduced intake of n3 longchain polyunsaturated fatty acids LCPUFAs may be a contributing factor to the increasing prevalence of wheezing disorders. We. If youve been displaced by Harvey, watch out for schemes that prey on people desperate for new housing. Never pay a deposit or credit check fee before youve. The Offspring is an American rock band from Garden Grove, California, formed in 1984. Originally formed under the name Manic Subsidal, the band has consisted of lead. Ask Pastor John. Listen to John Piper answer tough theological and pastoral questions. Look at the Book. Watch John Piper mark the text on the screen, and learn to. Carson is the co founder and president of The Gospel Coalition, and also the editor of the NIV Zondervan Study Bible, which is the study Bible version of what were doing in these occasional Friday podcasts. Closely related to the theme of covenants is the theme of promise. So, how do the promises of Scripture unfold And how does Christ fulfill the biblical promises, and the Passover I asked Dr. Carson to explain. The Bible makes many, many promises. There was an old chorus I learned when I was a child in Sunday school. Every promise in the book is mine, every chapter, every verse, every line. And, of course, that is not true. There are some promises made to people other than me. So, one must read promises in their context. But there are many promises that God gives to human beings generically all human beings and other promises that he gives only to his own blood bought, covenant people, and some promises that he gives to Israel, and some promises that he gives to individuals to a Davidic dynasty, for example. But one of the things that is pretty obvious whenever you start tracking out the theme of promise is that it is tied to a lot of things. Now, earlier on in this series I said that one of the things that is remarkable about biblical theology is that although one way of doing biblical theology is to track out particular themes across Scripture temple and creation and sin and priesthood and promise and sacrifice and so on and so on and so on what you discover pretty quickly is that they get intertwined. And so, it becomes harder and harder to talk about one without talking about others. So, for the sake of convenience and for the sake of learning, we might talk about one at a time. But pretty soon it is inevitable that we are talking about several things at once. And nowhere is that more true than in the theme of promise. There is a sense in which we can talk about promise and outline what the Bible says in this regard in five minutes. But one could take twenty hours and still not exhaust the theme at all. In particular, promise is often tied to Messiah. It is very often tied to notions of covenant. AOL Radio is powered by humans Great radio is all about unexpected connectionsthe kind that an algorithm cant predict. Pick any station in any of the 30 genres. For those who dont want to run back and forth across the parks to collect paper Fastpass tickets, Disneyland has launched a digital version of the system Maxpass. KUYuxp1KlU/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Watch The Offspring Download Full' title='Watch The Offspring Download Full' />It is tied to notions of the Holy Spirit. It is tied to notions of typology and many other things, and I will briefly sidle up to several of those things on the way by today, but the focus is on promise. The opening round of explicit promise is really in Genesis 3. No sooner has the human race fallen into sin and rebellion where there should be only death, you would think, yet instead we find in Genesis 3 1. God says, I will put enmity between you and the woman speaking now to the Serpent and between your offspring and her offspring he shall bruise or crush your head, and you shall bruise or strike his heel. I dont know how many saw the Mel Gibson film on the crucifixion, the passion narrative, but there is an opening scene there that is really quite dramatic. And at one level it is not historical at all, but in visual display it has got it exactly right. Watch The Offspring Download Full' title='Watch The Offspring Download Full' />There is Jesus praying in the garden with sweat drops of bloody sweat coming from him and, in agony, he contemplates the cross and asks his Father if it be possible to remove this cup from me Luke 2. And a snake begins to crawl over him. And slowly Jesus stands up and then he crushes the serpent with his heel. I remember seeing that in the theater and thinking I wonder how many people in this theater know what text that is alluding to. So, at the very moment that Christ is crushing the head of the Serpent with his heel, yet, at the same time, there is one sense and one level Satan is striking out to kill Christ himself. And that offspring promise enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers is remarkable in that Genesis 3 1. Romans 1. 6 2. 0 where it is Christians who are crushing Satan. God. will soon crush Satan under your feet. That is, the church by its witness to Christ, who has done the supreme crushing, sees Satan increasingly vanquished. And so, there is a sense in which a seedbed promise in the first three chapters of Genesis is being unpacked throughout the rest of the Bible. We have seen that in the creation and fall narrative before. That is, many, many, many themes are found there in douche, as the Latinists say, in seed form, and then the whole thing grows and expands and becomes a massive theme later on in Scripture. Well, there are more promises. In the last session we looked at covenants and, in particular, the Abrahamic covenant. The Abrahamic covenant is often referred to as the covenant of promise, since in this covenant, Genesis 1. Genesis 2. 2, all of which we looked at last time, he promises amongst other things that through Abrahams seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed and it is not filled out much more than that except in the context. Those who share Abrahams faith also share confidence in the God who gave the covenant of promise. There is the anticipation not only of a direct line from Abraham, which is fulfilled in the birth of Isaac and then Isaacs sons and eventually the patriarchs and then the entire nation until ultimately you come down to Jesus, who is born in the promised line of Abraham as the very first verse of the New Testament makes clear. And what is remarkable is that Genesis 1. Abraham believed the promise. He believed Gods word. He believed what God said. And this faith was credited to him as righteousness. And that, of course, is picked up in the New Testament to demonstrate that Abraham becomes, as it were, the prototype, the anticipatory pattern of those who are saved by their faith. They receive the promise of God and respond by faith. It is not as if Abraham earned this promise that in him and in his seed, all the earth, all the nations of the earth would be blessed. Shakugan No Shana Season 2 Kissanime more. But, rather, he received the promise of God. He believed the promise even though there were lapses in his faith, as when he slept with Hagar to produce Ishmael. Nevertheless, the promise itself was firm and the Abrahamic covenant fulfillment is spelled out in the New Testament. A passage, for example, like Galatians 3 is no less the fulfillment of promise. In fact, that is one of the words that Paul uses to point out the importance of the Abrahamic covenant. After the law was given in the time of Moses, many people thought of the regulatory function of the law as defining the relationship between God and his covenant people, the Israelites. But one of the things that Paul makes very clear is that the law was given centuries after the promise. And whatever else the law does and it does many important things whatever else it does, it cant annul the promise. The promise has a certain kind of priority, speaking in covenantal terms. The Abrahamic covenant has a certain kind of time based and logical priority over the covenant of law. And the distinctive element in the Abrahamic covenant that Paul points to is the fact that it is a promise which is received by faith so that those who share Abrahams faith are sharing with him in confidence in the promise of God, the God who gave the covenant of promise. There are many, many other ties along that line. Then let me pick up a few other promise themes in the Old Testament. This is only a small number of them. There are some we dont have time to track out. The promise, for example, that the Israelites would go in and take over the Promised Land, that God would win over their enemies, that God would protect them, and many, many others.